5 Minute Meditation to Pause & Refocus

Mindful Moments - A podcast by Katie McLaughlin | Licensed Anxiety Therapist | @the.mindful_therapist

It has been a little while since sharing another meditation here. Sometimes we need to step back, take a break, refocus. I needed this in my own life. But I have come to realize how important slowing down truly is; taking time to practice mindfulness, to be still if able, to simply breathe. It really does go a long way. As life gets busier, it becomes so easy to let practices drop out of our routine, even when they benefit us. I hope this practice will help you incorporate a beneficial pause into your busy days. Learn the basics of calming your anxiety with this FREE handout. Follow the link to get 5 simple ways to feel less anxious sent straight to your inbox - subscribepage.io/DzbIyd