Building a Financial Planning Firm with Valerie Rivera

Minority Money - A podcast by Emlen Miles-Mattingly


Growing up, we often looked up to those that have achieved what we aspire to be– but for minorities, it can be hard to progress in a world where we don’t see people of color succeed, or we find that they have much bigger hurdles to overcome. It can be intimidating, but that is exactly why we need to face these issues and create the space for change to take place.For this week, I'm joined by Valerie Rivera, a certified financial planner who risked everything to start her own firm. As first-generation money, the risk she took is something I’m sure a lot of us are familiar with at different scales.Join our conversation as Valerie shares with us important parts of her journey I’m sure you’ll resonate with!Highlights>> How Valerie started her financial planning journey>> Striking a balance between being authentic and financial gains>> Being the first generation moneyConnect with Susanne:>> LinkedIn | Valerie A. Rivera, CFP®If you loved this episode, you have to listen to these episodes as well: >> Episode 88: Success for Minority Teens with Carlos Gomez>> Episode 85: Bridging the Racial Wealth Divide with Dedrick Asante-Muhammad>> Episode 68: Making the Financial Industry More Inclusive with Lazetta Braxton  I’m sure you’re getting tons of value from the podcast! Don’t forget to subscribe on Apple Podcasts ( , Spotify ( , Google Podcasts (, or on your favorite podcast app and SHARE THIS 👉 ( with a friend. **********Let's Continue the Conversation! Head on over to the Facebook Group and let’s discuss how we can change the complexion of wealth ( Want to chat with a fee-only financial planner? Shoot me an email at [email protected] Can't wait to meet you.