#47 Falling In Love With your Body & Quitting the Diet with Laura Phelan

Miracle Mindsets - A podcast by Miracle Mindsets


This episode is something that will hit so many people so deeply - it's falling in love with our body, flaws and all. In this episode, we are joined by the gorgeous Laura Phelan who is a food and body freedom coach who has been featured on ITV, Sky, BBC & Balance - what a pleasure it was to have her on! In this ep we cover: Binge Eating (and how it's not shameful), Why we Binge Eat, How to Quit the diet, Real Healing, Plant medicine & How to really fall in love with your body. Thank You Laura for coming on, all of her information is here: website: http://www.phelanwell.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisislauraphelan/