#68 Victoria Spence on How to Set Boundaries, Heal and Fall In Love with Yourself

Miracle Mindsets - A podcast by Miracle Mindsets


GUYS let me tell you, you're going to love this one. You may already follow Victoria on instagram but she fully gives your feed COMPASSION, so much self acceptance and a chance for you to see things in a different light. She's such a beautiful soul. We cover so much but the main thing is knowing the steps to take to learn to let go of your criticisms, accept yourself, set good boundaries. Theres so much I know we still could of covered but it only means a part two. @victorianiamh  www.victoriaspence.com I can't wait to see you all at our two hour workshop - the link is below! https://www.miraclemindsets.co.uk/service-page/the-game-changer-workshop-1?referral=service_list_widget I know you will love it, love you all soul tribe!