#73 Mo Gawdat on Gratitude, Happiness & Grief

Miracle Mindsets - A podcast by Miracle Mindsets


This episode is one that just blew us away from start to finish. Mo has such an abundance of knowledge and wisdom to share that we really just sat back and listened throughout the recording and I can't wait for you to all learn from him too. Throughout his life he has worked his way up to Chief Business Officer of Google (x), had a highly successful career, a perfect family and unlimited money but was completely miserable which led him to want to understand how to be happy. He then started on his journey to teach happiness which became a mission after his son tragically passed away. Throughout the episode, we cover everything from the science of how to be happy, his biggest teachings, achieving everything we all aspire to yet being clinically depressed, the difference between the Eastern and Western World and their approaches to life all the way to quantum physics. I hope you enjoy this episode, learn something new and find a way to become happier in your own life. Find Mo at: Instagram: @mo_gawdat Podcast: Slo Mo available on Apple and Spotify Website: www.mogawdat.com (where you can find more information about his best selling books and where else to find him)