What is life like after a planned NICU admission: Catching up with Lizzie from season 2 | S3E35
The NICU Space by Miracle Moon - A podcast by Miracle Moon - Sundays

Back in season two, our guest Lizzie shared her experience of discovering at the 10-week scan that her baby would be born with an abdominal wall defect known as exomphalos and would have to have a NICU stay after birth. Lizzie agreed to come back on the podcast to share with us all everything that happened after birth, from day-to-day life in NICU and the difficulties that arose in the transition to home life afterwards, too. So, if you know you have a NICU stay in the near future, or you’re in NICU now and struggling to handle it, this episode of Lizzie’s experience and advice will be a really valuable listen for you. In this episode, we’re chatting about: How Lizzie’s birth went and the early days in NICU after Phoebe was born The hard parts of being in the neonatal unit and Lizzie’s advice for handling these How Lizzie prepared for her NICU stay and things that helped her through that difficult time The transition to home life and why the rollercoaster didn’t end in NICU 💌 Check out the full show notes for this episode here, where you can find timestamps, a transcript and any links or resources we think are relevant to this episode. If this episode resonates with you or if you have questions, reach out to us on Instagram or shoot us an email at [email protected]. 🎧 We love engaging with our listeners! Share a screenshot of this episode and don't forget to tag us on Instagram @miraclemoonuk when you're tuning in. ⭐️ Help us spread the word by leaving a review and subscribing...that way, you won't miss a single episode. 🙏 A huge thank you to Emma at Cover My Bubble for supporting our podcast - you can find out more about all that Cover My Bubble offer at www.covermybubble.co.uk