Q - Do you FEAR for your children's salvation?

Mission-Minded Families with Ann Dunagan - A podcast by Harvest Ministry

Praying and interceding for the salvation of our children, and trusting God to handle our kids, is VITAL. We need to stand in faith and PRAY for our kids. Whether your children and young and living strong for Jesus, or perhaps you have Prodigal adults who grieve your heart more than you ever thought possible. Let God be GOD in your KIDS!!! As moms, our part is to pray and to trust God. He is ABLE. He loves our kids and God can do anything.  Do not FEAR, even for your children's salvation. Worry and anxiety are not helpful "Momma-attitudes" to have; but they are traps and snares of the enemy. No matter what the present situation is regarding your children, the virtuous woman can stand on God's Word and PRAY in faith.