Women, Alcohol and Holiday Stress: Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation on Healthy Choices about Alcohol

Mom Enough: A Parenting Podcast - A podcast by mother-daughter co-hosts Dr. Marti Erickson & Dr. Erin Erickson - Saturdays


It can be easy to slip into an unhealthy pattern of using alcohol to cope with holiday stress. Did you know that an increasing number of women are misusing alcohol today? And when women drink, they are at greater risk of addiction than men and less likely to seek help. The holidays create extra stress for women, who typically bear the greatest responsibility for holiday preparations. With high expectations to match the perfect images on holiday cards or posed Instagram posts, women often feel they aren’t measuring up. Add to that an emphasis on alcohol at holiday festivities and over-drinking, or a relapse in maintaining already-established sobriety, are risks.    This week’s Mom Enough guest, Kim Albers, understands these challenges well. Director of Recovery Management at Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, Kim understands the particular vulnerability of women to addiction and the stigma and social expectations that keep women (especially moms) from seeking treatment when they need it. With empathy and respect, Kim acknowledges the shame many women feel around their drinking. Most important, Kim knows the critical role of self-care and emotional support in helping women drink reasonably or, for those in recovery, protect their sobriety. She joins Marti & Erin for a detailed and helpful discussion of all of these issues. She also provides very clear information on how to know if your drinking is problematic and where to turn to get help tailored to your specific needs and strengths.      HAVE YOU USED ALCOHOL TO COPE WITH HOLIDAY STRESS? Can you think of a time when you (or someone you love) has gotten caught up in celebrating and had too much to drink? How did you (or your loved one) feel the next day, both physically and emotionally? What tips could help you and your loved ones avoid overdrinking during the holidays? If you or someone you love frequently engage in overdrinking, where can you turn first to find out if you need professional help?    WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT AVOIDING ALCOHOL AND DEVELOPING HEALTHY COPING STRATEGIES FOR ADDRESSING HOLIDAY STRESS? ❉ DO YOU FEEL YOUR STRESS BUILDING AS THE HOLIDAYS APPROACH? Listen to this episode with researcher Dr. Anna Kudak, who has spent years interviewing women about their holiday experiences. Learn how to ease up a bit and create meaning this holiday season. ❉ REDUCING HOLIDAY STRESS. Check out this tip sheet to learn ways to reduce your stress this holiday. ❉ WOMEN AND ALCOHOL: A CONVERSATION ABOUT WOMEN’S RISK OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS. If you want to learn more about women alcohol, listen to this podcast with Jill Seward of Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation. ❉ DO YOU EVER WONDER IF YOUR ALCOHOL OR DRUG USE IS BECOMING A PROBLEM? Take the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Online Drug and Alcohol Addiction Test.