854 - Mandatory Behavioral Change for an Entrepreneur

Momentum for the Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT) - A podcast by Alex Charfen - Entrepreneur, Biohacker - Fridays


Running and growing a business is the greatest form of personal development on the planet. The behavior change required of an entrepreneur as their business grows is the hidden cost of growing a business. No one talk about how much you must unlearn and change at each stage of your business’s growth. In many ways, the growth of the business depends on the entrepreneur becoming the leader that can run the business. Failure to grow often leads to the business plateauing or backsliding. In this podcast, you will learn what behaviors must shift for entrepreneurs as you grow your business. You will learn how you must change in order to grow a business that gives you the life you want. Ready for more? Book a call with our team and see how we can help you get out of overwhelm and calm the chaos in your life and business: https://simpleoperations.com/survey