Inducing Labor 101: Your Burning Questions Answered
Mommy Labor Nurse - A podcast by Liesel Teen

*Hi guys! Liesel here. I wanted to let you know that the Mommy Labor Nurse podcast as you know it is currently getting a HUGE facelift! In the meantime, please enjoy this re-air of a fan favorite episode!! And stay tuned to my instagram for updates on when the new and improved Mommy Labor Nurse podcast will be back with all new episodes!* ****** Labor induction – this is a topic that comes up a LOT in my DMs over on Instagram and in the MLN community in general! So, today on The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast I’m doing a Q&A-style episode all about planned inductions. Your most burning labor induction FAQs, answered! I see it all the time, women are nearing the end of their pregnancy, and not planning on an induction, and then all of a sudden, they need one! When this happens, there’s not always a ton of time to research, prepare and sort through all the info that’s out there. So, I thought I’d put together this episode with some of the most common questions I get about inductions. Let’s go! ****** Overwhelmed by the amount of pregnancy & birth info out there? I got ya covered! CLICK HERE to get free birth plan templates straight from the brain of an L&D nurse - that’s me! CLICK HERE to learn more about our online birth classes that will help you feel prepared and in control - no matter how you deliver. And be sure to follow @mommy.labornurse on Instagram to join our community of over half a million for education, tips, and solidarity on all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum!