Hartford's Boyle: Attractive bond valuations are the big plus of Fed's pause

Money Life with Chuck Jaffe - A podcast by Chuck Jaffe


Joe Boyle, Fixed Income Investment Strategist for the Hartford Funds, says that the re-set in fixed-income after rates popped up in 2022 and 2023 have made it unimportant to bond investors whether the Federal Reserve cuts rates any time soon, because the yields should remain strong. That said, Boyle said he was looking further out the yield curve — especially is it looks likely to normalize after two years of being inverted — because adding longer, high-quality bonds will pay off when the rate environment changes. Kyle Guske, investment analyst at New Constructs, put EventBrite — a stock that had been in the Danger Zone right after it went public in 2018 — back into the Danger Zone now, Jaime Dunaway-Seale discusses a Clever Real Estate survey showing that nearly half of all recent homebuyers say they feel over their head financially having made the purchase, and Martin Leclerc, chief investment officer and portfolio manager at Barrack Yard Advisors, talks stocks in the Market Call.