No one is talking about these two things you need to make money

Money Mindful - A podcast by Meaghan J Smith - Mondays


When it comes to making money, there are 2 things you need that you might not be aware of. I see both of them talked about but I rarely see them discussed together. If you want to change your relationship with money and have more, you need to work on your Money Mindset AND your Money Skills. I have noticed that people often have one or the other. For example, they are good at managing their personal money or making money in business but they don’ have the mindset stuff worked out so they still feel stressed and worried about money. Or they are working on their money mindset but they don’t actually have money making skills like sales and marketing or money management skills. Can you relate? On the money mindful podcast episode today I’m sharing about: My wholistic approach to money. Why money skills and money mindset are equally important. Some tips on where to get started. My list of Money Mindset & Money Skills you want to be aware of. Some common mistakes and how to avoid them. The Money Mindful podcast is all about helping you transform your relationship with money and yourself. You can expect to learn about money mindset, how to make your goals as good as done, mental fitness, and self-love. Hi there! I’m your host Meaghan Jean Smith; a Money Mindset and Certified Life Coach. I help women transform their relationship to money and achieve their money & life goals so they can life a glorious, magnificent, delicious, awesome life. Tune in to up-level your money mindset, let go of your limiting beliefs about money & yourself and create a life you love. Download the free Abundant Mindset Toolkit here: Get full show notes and more information here: for privacy information.