Monster Kid Radio #296 - A Kong-versation with Paul McComas, Part Two, PLUS your King Kong thoughts

Monster Kid Radio - A podcast by Derek M. Koch


The Kong-versation Kong-tinues this week on Monster Kid Radio and Derek and guest Paul McComas talk more about the 1976 King Kong (dir. John Guillermin) and how it Kong-pares to the original film and the 2005 remake. They also address the assertion made by 1976 Second Unit Director William Kronick when he said, "Kong is a fantastic beast and audiences have more affinity for him than they do for Frankenstein or other screen monsters." MKR Listeners also send in their thoughts on the films and Kong's place in monsterdom. Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Email: Paul McComas - RIP - Valerie Gaunt - Classic Horrors Club - Dr. Cushing's Chamber of Horrors - Fandom Radio Podcast - (.mp3s of every episode of Monster Kid Radio is available for download at our barebones behind-the-scenes website at The opening and closing song "Let's Go Ape!" (Let's Go Ape!) belongs to The WJLP Appreciation Society - - Next Week: Catching up with Jackey Raye Neyman Jones All original content of Monster Kid Radio by is licensed under a .