Monster Kid Radio #402 - MKR at the 2018 HP Lovecraft Film Festival

Monster Kid Radio - A podcast by Derek M. Koch


Every year, Derek attends Portland's H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon, and 2018 was no different. At the festival, Derek met with Chris McMillan (), Dominique Lamssies (), and David Heath () to talk about some of their favorite things about 2018's festival. After that, you'll hear the panel , moderated by Chris. Panelists included Dominique and Derek, as well as game designer Kenneth Hite () and author Ray Garton (). Hold on to your sanity! Follow Chris The Shadow Over Portland - Follow DominiqueHouse of Silent Graves - The University of the Bizarre - Follow DavidDave's Corner of the Universe - Follow KenKen and Robin Talk About Stuff - Kenneth Hite on Amazon - Follow Ray Ray Garton Online - Ray Garton on Amazon - H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival & CthulhuCon - Congratulations to the KaijuCast and Kyle Yount for 10 years of amazing podcasting about giant freaking monsters! - Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Email: Monster Kid Radio on YouTube - Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Next week: The Dunwich Horror (dir. Daniel Haller) with Bryan Clark  The opening and closing song "" () appears by permission of All original content of Monster Kid Radio by is licensed under a .