Monster Kid Radio #597 - I Married a Witch with guest host Steve Turek and guest Jeff Owens

Monster Kid Radio - A podcast by Derek M. Koch


The DieCast Movie Podcast's Steve Turek takes on the role of guest host while Derek recovers from his battle with Covid. This week, he is joined by the Classic Horror Club's Jeff Owens to discuss the 1942 film I Married a Witch (dir. René Clair). Voicemail: 503-479-5MKR (503-479-5657) Email: Monster Kid Radio's Discord Server - Monster Kid Radio on Reddit - Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Monster Kid Radio on YouTube - Follow Steve TurekDieCast Movie Podcast - / Follow Jeff OwensClassic Horrors Club - Derek's Amazon Wishlist -  Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Next week on Monster Kid Radio: STAY TUNED! All original content of Monster Kid Radio by is licensed under a .