Monster Kid Radio #617 - Steve Turek with Ansel Faraj and Mark of the Vampire
Monster Kid Radio - A podcast by Derek M. Koch
Filmmaker Ansel Faraj (, ) joins gues thost Steve Turek this week to check for a mark (and not a blue one). It's Mark of the Vampire (dir. Tod Browning), and it's Bela Lugosi, so you know you're in for a good time! Plus Kenny's Look at Famous Monsters of Filmland, Mark Matzke's Beta Capsule Review, and Listener Feedback. Derek and Beth's Wedding Registry - The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards - Team Deth YouTube Channel - Voicemail: (360) 524-2484 Email: Monster Kid Radio's Discord Server - Monster Kid Radio on Reddit - Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Monster Kid Radio on YouTube - Follow Steve Turek DieCast Movie Podcast - DieCast Movie Podcast on Facebook - Follow Ansel FarajHollinsworth Productions - Facebook - Follow Mark MatzkeMonsteropolis - Monster Study Group - Small Town Monsters - Monster Fest - Small Town Monsters YouTube Channel (Home of SasWatch) - Monster Kid Radio Amazon Wishlist - Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Next time on Monster Kid Radio: STAY TUNED The opening and closing song "" () appears by permission of - - - All original content of Monster Kid Radio by is licensed under a .