Monster Kid Radio #622 - Derek Waxes Zombie Nostalgic
Monster Kid Radio - A podcast by Derek M. Koch
JUNEDEAD. June of the Dead. Undead June. Undead Junedead. Whatever you call it, it's a month of zombie movies here on Monster Kid Radio, and this week Derek reflects on his zombie past of podcasts, movies, fake blood, and more. Plus Mark Matzke's Beta Capsule Review and Kenny's Look at Famous Monsters of Filmland. Team Deth YouTube Channel - Voicemail: (360) 524-2484 Email: Monster Kid Radio's Discord Server - Monster Kid Radio on Reddit - Monster Kid Radio on Twitch! - - Monster Kid Radio on YouTube - Follow Mark MatzkeMonsteropolis - Monster Study Group - Small Town Monsters - Monster Fest - Small Town Monsters YouTube Channel (Home of SasWatch) - Monster Kid Radio Amazon Wishlist - Monster Kid Radio on TeePublic - Next time on Monster Kid Radio: MORE ZOMBIES . . . I think . . . The opening and closing song () provided courtesy of The Scimitars and Hi-Tide Recordings All original content of Monster Kid Radio by is licensed under a .