Episode 276: This Episode Brought to You By Our Sponsor: Heelys

Monster Of The Week: A Supernatural Podcast - A podcast by Jeremy Greer


And we're back folks, and it's time to dig into some real emotional stuff on this episode of The Winchesters, called Masters of War. I'm not gonna lie y'all, we spend a lot of time talking about what this show is doing to John WInchester, some of the implications made, and how the fandom reacts. I just checked and we spent almost an hour and a half talking about these 45 minutes. Granted, some of that was for our new sponsor, Heelys (Why walk when you can fllyyyyyy). Enjoy! Monster of the Week is on https://patreon.com/monsteroftheweek (Patreon)! If you want to directly support the show and ensure we keep putting out that sweet hashtag content week to week, consider pledging. You get some sweet rewards like early access to weekly episodes, access to our Discord, exclusive podcasts, and more! Monster of the Week is also on https://twitter.com/motwcast (Twitter), https://www.instagram.com/monsteroftheweekpodcast/ (Instagram), https://monsteroftheweekpodcast.tumblr.com/ (Tumblr), https://www.facebook.com/monsteroftheweek (Facebook), https://www.tiktok.com/@monsteroftheweekpodcast?lang=en (Tik Tok), and https://open.spotify.com/show/3ahb3X2ojJNF4DTlvSiR4w (Spotify). You can also https://www.teepublic.com/stores/monster-of-the-week?utm_campaign=22527&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=Monsters%2Bof%2Bthe%2Bweek (buy MOTW merch at our shop). Jeremy is on https://twitter.com/jggreer (Twitter), and you probably shouldn't follow him unless you know what you're doing. Chris is on https://twitter.com/localbones (Twitter), and you probably should follow him if you like #hunks and #swords. Like that intro? The music was done by our friend https://twitter.com/bansheetweet (bansheebeat), who has done all of our fancy intros over the last couple of years. Go check out his music! The vocals are by https://aliceknowskarate.bandcamp.com/ (Alice Knows Karate), who also did the vocals for our Winchester Pain. She rules. Visit her Bandcamp page and buy all her music. We also made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FY3njGEh_fI (an entire music video) for the song, which you should definitely watch if you wanna cry and laugh about hunks. https://patreon.com/monsteroftheweek (Support Monster Of The Week: A Supernatural Podcast)