Episode 99: Human Sweat Stain

Monster Of The Week: A Supernatural Podcast - A podcast by Jeremy Greer


Hello folks! This week we're covering S08E16 - Remember the Titans. It's sort of a filler episode that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, but it isn't as aggressively terrible as S08E15, so....good? Monster of the Week is on https://patreon.com/monsteroftheweek (Patreon)! If you want to directly support the show and ensure we keep putting out that sweet hashtag content week to week, consider pledging. You get some sweet rewards like digital art, access to our Discord, exclusive podcasts, and more! Monster of the Week is also on https://twitter.com/motwcast (Twitter), https://www.instagram.com/monsteroftheweekpodcast/ (Instagram), and https://monsteroftheweekpodcast.tumblr.com/ (Tumblr). Jeremy is on https://twitter.com/jggreer (Twitter), and you probably shouldn't follow him unless you know what you're doing. Chris is on https://twitter.com/localbones (Twitter), and you probably should follow him if you like #hunks. https://patreon.com/monsteroftheweek (Support Monster Of The Week: A Supernatural Podcast) Links: http://www.britaneeleeann.com/supernatural-tarot/ (art - Supernatural Tarot)