Shia vs. Sunni | Documentary | Part 1 | Mooroo
Mooroo Podcast - A podcast by Taimoor Moeen Salahuddin

Chapters: 01:39 Current State of Shia Sunni Conflict 03:43 Geographic Distribution of Shia Sunnis 04:27 Colonial and Post Colonial Exploitation 05:12 Definition of a Muslim (مسلمان کی تعریف) 10:04 Main Differences Between Shias and Sunnis 10:22 History of the Conflict 17:10 The Incident of Slander (واقعہ افک) 17:48 Hazrat Ali (RA) Introduction 20:32 The Assassination Attempt on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) 24:23 The Conflict Between Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Ayesha (RA) 25:02 The Conflict Between Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA) 26:59 Revelation from God: Surah An-Nur (سورۃ النور) 29:49 The Last Days of the Prophet (PBUH) 32:14 The Case of Pen and Paper (واقعہ قرطاس) 33:50 The Sunnah (سنت) 37:15 The Sermon at Khumm (خطبه غدیر خم) 38:37 The Last Prayer of the Prophet (PBUH) Shot by Ahsan Ahmad Sound by Qaiser Nawaz Gaffer Shahbaz Aura Written, Produced, Directed, Edited and Performed by Mooroo Special Thanks to Gauhar Aftab, and Moeen Salahuddin Bibliography: 1. Sahih al-Bukhari (صحیح البخاری) 2. Sahih Muslim (صحیح مسلم) 3. Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal (مسند احمد بن حنبل) 4. Ibn Shihab az-Zuhri’s Works (کتب ابن شہاب الزہری) 5. Leslie Hazleton, After the Prophet and her Ted talks 6. Age of Faith by Will Durant. Articles Ghamidi on the selection of Abu Bakar siddiqui as caliph and the passage of it syedna umar Credits: For 3d rendering of prophets home COPYRIGHT NOTICE: We allow anyone to translate our content and reshare videos but the video must remain branded under themercifulservant (with our logo and channel link) all speakers and artists should also be credited in the description, Video Footage: All footage used in our videos are licensed to MercifulServant Media, and you are not permitted to cut clips and use in your own videos (without permission from the original owner of the stock footage or images) Please contact us for more information. you must also seek permission from the footage owner before monetisation of any content. حوالہ جات ↑ انوار القران اسلامیات اختیاری بی اے پرچہ الف صفحہ 225 ↑ سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ311 اور 312 ↑ سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ 312 ↑ انوار القران اسلامیات اختیاری بی اے پرچہ الف صفحہ 227 ↑ سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ 313 تا 315 ↑ سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ 315 اور 316 ↑ سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ 317 اور 318 ↑ سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ 318 ^ ا ب سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ 320 ↑ انوار القران اسلامیات اختیاری بی اے پرچہ الف صفحہ 229 ↑ سیرت مصطفی از علامہ عبد المصطفی اعظمی صفحہ 319 ↑ تفسیر فیضان الرحمن شیخ محمد حسین النجفی Sunni vs Shia, Islamic history, Sectarian divide, Prophet Muhammad PBUH, Ali and Abu Bakr, Battle of Karbala, Sunni beliefs, Shia beliefs, Islamic leadership, Ghadeer Khumm, Hadith, Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Shihab az-Zuhri, Islamic scholarship, Caliphate, Shia-Sunni differences, Ottoman-Safavid conflict, Prophet’s family, Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, Ahl al-Bayt, Islamic teachings, Muslim unity, Islamic heritage, Middle Eastern history, Religious history, Islamic succession, Sectarianism in Islam.