106: Six Powerful Tools to Reach Your Potential in Life
More Happy Life with Andy Proctor - A podcast by Andy Proctor

Will you reach your full potential this year? Will you reach it in the next 5 years? 10 years? What will help you do this? In this episode I share the story of one of the greatest runners to walk this earth, Steve Prefontaine and how he died with unmet potential. I don't want that to happen to you. So here are six powerful tools to help you reach your full potential in life: 1. Satisfying Work 2. Life Strategy 3. Generate Energy 4. Cultivate Resilience 5. Build Social Capital 6. Tackle Your Fears Like this episode? Never miss another post by subscribing to the podcast and the free newsletter. Also follow us on Instagram and Facebook. Join the More Happy Life school here: www.morehappylife.teachable.com Get a free morning routine to boost positive emotions here: www.morehappylife.co/morning-routine-for-positive-emotion-boost/