107: Crafting A Happier Life by Choosing Your Story with Lori Lee
More Happy Life with Andy Proctor - A podcast by Andy Proctor

What story are you telling yourself about your past life? What about your future? What story are you telling yourself about your day today? In today's episode I interview Lori Lee, and expert on storytelling, with a masters degree in folklore. She talks about the power of the stories we tell and how they impact our daily life. We discuss personal narratives, how to overcome victim mentality, powerful tools for reframing your story and increasing your chance of post traumatic growth by saying your story out loud and making meaning of it. From Joseph Campbell to Victor Frankl, we talk through how stories can be life changing and how we can take back control over the stories we are telling about our lives to create a happier life. You don't want to miss this episode. Where to find Lori: Website: http://loveyourstorypodcast.com/ Lori’s latest book: https://amzn.to/2Mb8WE9 Podcast: http://loveyourstorypodcast.com/episodes/ About Lori Lori is the host and producer of the Love Your Story podcast, a podcast dedicated to sharing candid interviews and conversations about living our best life stories on purpose. Lori pulls no punches in capturing interviews that shine a light on how we make it through the hard stuff – stress, anxiety, suicide, eating disorders, rape, the death of children, abuse, divorce and the real stuff we have to deal with. But, she also shares interviews with Olympians and incredible athletes, life coaches, therapists, and people who are changing the world – most often these two categories are one and the same. She has a master’s degree in Folklore--her research focuses on the personal narrative. She is the author of six books and over 100 magazine and newspaper articles, including her latest, L.I.F.E. – Living Intentional and Fearless Every Day. She consults with individuals on a personal and business level in helping them find their stories, reframe the ones that are holding them back, and manage the stories they currently tell themselves in order to create the story they personally want to live.