140: The Science of Self-Love with Katy Sine

More Happy Life with Andy Proctor - A podcast by Andy Proctor

More about Katy: Katy Sine is the director and executive producer of Positive Voices, creating, producing and directing positive media programming with thought leaders, leading academics and influencers in positive psychology. She is an assistant instructor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Applied Positive Psychology program. Katy researches self-love and her goal is to further the science of self-love. She is currently working on a book on this subject and hopes to study this in more depth (which we get into in our discussion). I’m proud to be her colleague working together on Utah Positive Psychology initiatives and love spending time with her as she is an amazing individual. I hope you tune into today’s episode on the Science of Self-Love. Katy is pioneering psychological research on self-love and has created the construct of Whole Self-Love, a deep knowing of self and a whole love for ourselves. She is currently studying the science of Whole Self-Love and the implications it can have on our health, wellness, relationships and the way we view ourselves and others https://www.linkedin.com/in/katy-sine-6ba9aa7a/ https://www.instagram.com/self_love_sine/ https://www.positivevoices.com/selflove/