87: Deliberate Serenity Through Mindfulness with Kimberly Christensen from Talk Wordy to Me

More Happy Life with Andy Proctor - A podcast by Andy Proctor

Have you ever gone off technology for a week? Well, I did it once and it changed my life (check out episode 73 for details). Who inspired me to do this? Kimberly Christensen from Talk Wordy To Me. In today's episode I get to talk with Kim about why being mindful about our use of social media and technology is so important. Why would someone want to try a social media fast? Why is mindfulness so important? What does healthy social media use look like? We cover these and many other things in this great episode with Kim Christensen. Be sure to check it out and check out her new mindfulness book here: https://gumroad.com/talkwordytome Connect with Kim here: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/talkwordytome_ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/talkingwordy Website: http://www.talkingwordy.com Blog post about her social media fast: http://www.talkingwordy.com/what-i-gained-when-i-lost-my-social-media-addiction/ Join the More Happy Life school here: www.morehappylife.teachable.com Take my instagram growth course here: www.insta10k.teachable.com Get a free morning routine to boost positive emotions here: www.morehappylife.co/morning-routine-for-positive-emotion-boost/