1,000 Petals of Light

Morning Light Meditations - A podcast by jenniferruthrussell - Saturdays

Your 5D Crown Chakra contains your specific design for your Ascension. The Light Codes from this ancient wisdom are your keys to mastery. In this meditation Archangel Jophiel, Lady Christine, and Serapis Bey assist you in upleveling your Light Codes. 1,000 Petals of Light is the original song by Jennifer to seal this initiation in your auric field. You’ll find it on her new album, Expanded Lightbody https://jenniferruthrussell.bandcamp.com/ Get the Expanded Lightbody Album & Meditations. Experience the Transformation:  I'm honored to share 12 melodies and meditations, crafted to ignite transformation within you. Each note invites you to dance with Archangel Guardians, guiding your liberation and reunion with your essence, your Beloved I AM.   #Ascension #Meditation #LightCodes #AncientWisdom #Archangels #ChakraHealing #Spirituality #Transformation #ExpandedLightbody #JenniferRuthRussell #PodcastEpisode #Creativeabundancewithmothermary #AngelsofAbundanceAscensionAcademy #crownchakra