Crystal Clear Sight

Morning Light Meditations - A podcast by jenniferruthrussell - Saturdays

‘I was blind, but now I see,’ has been our journey of releasing the veil of illusion in your 3rd Eye. This meditation will help you embark on an exploration guided by the wisdom of ancient traditions. In this transformative session, we tap into the essence of Lord Shiva and Archangel Raphael, who embody creation, protection, and universal transformation. Through the resonant vibrations of 'Shiv Netra,' infused with the radiant energies of Archangel Raphael and Lord Shiva, we gently and safely facilitate the opening of your third eye, inviting clarity and insight into your consciousness. Grounding ourselves in the sacred vibration of the heart's HUM, we anchor our Beloved 'I AM.' Witness as the powerful center of clairvoyance and abundance within your 3rd eye blossoms, dispelling the shadows of darkness, ignorance, and lack. For those seeking a deeper immersion, delve into the full experience of Sanctuary, a sacred space of healing and enlightenment crafted by Jennifer. This meditation offers a glimpse into the magic of Sanctuary, a monthly gathering where we embark on a journey of learning, healing, singing, and transcendental meditation. Unlock the door to your inner sanctuary and join us in this profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. Experience 'Crystal Clear Sight' today. Listen to the Expanded Lightbody Album by Jennifer Ruth Russell, releasing on 3/17/2024, on her Bandcamp site: Access the replay of this transformative Sanctuary experience here: