7-Day Love Challenge

Motivation To Write - A podcast by ZayZoh: Motivation for Writers


7-day love challenge Author Emily Thiroux Threatt inspired this 7-Day Love Challenge. While her close friend was grieving the sudden death of her husband, Emily wrote and sent her 52 cards (one per week) of support and encouragement. And she hand-made the cards!   Although I'm not as artistic as Emily, I can undoubtedly write encouraging letters. So, I'm challenging myself to write one short but sweet love note every day for one week. The recipients will include my loved ones and me.   I encourage you to join me. This challenge can transform and strengthen your relationship with yourself, your family, and your friends.   You may need to step out of your comfort zone to do this, but that's a good thing.   Embrace the challenge and watch what happens.   P.S. Join my Facebook group, where I will share my experiences with the challenge! Also, you can schedule a 15-Minute Interview with You here.