Tuesday Tune In Episode 131: Ice, Dunk Baby!

Mountain Malarkey Podcast - A podcast by Head Yeti Andy Moore & Painted Yeti Dave Carpenter

We're joined this week by Kevin from Brecon Mountain Rescue to chat "mountains" of stuff, plus we'll be talking about our Yeti Yuletide Challenge - The Ice Dunk!   And it's just got that much colder out there...   Kevin will be chatting with us about how BMR are keeping walkers safe in the Brecon Beacons this winter, the challenges they have faced this year and what lies ahead for the team.   Ice, Dunk, Baby!   We've had questions recently like: What's the Yeti Yuletide Challenge? How are EverTrek giving back to the community? How can I support my local mountain rescue?   So come and join us as we discuss everything about Brecon Mountain Rescue, the Yeti Yuletide Challenge and much, much more on what's going to be a great show.