Four Outfits a Day, Christmas Number Ones and the Sausage Roll Debate | Ladbaby and LadbabyMum
Mum Made Me Do It with Saffron Barker - A podcast by Global

Welcome to Mum Made Me Do It - Series 2! Join me, Saffron Barker and my mum Wendy as we chat all things mums and daughters in everyday life, totally unfiltered. --- This week we have a couple on the podcast, plus they're people that my Mum actually introduced me to, it's Ladbaby and LadbabyMum a.k.a Mark and Rox! We talk about their huge growth on Facebook, their amazing charity work and Christmas number ones, Rox's In The Style range and Mark being Roxy's PA. Plus their bugbears about each other and what's next for them both! --- Get involved! Email us with your questions, ask for advice and of course send in your bug bears to: [email protected] OR 07745 266 947 Follow us on Instagram: @Saffronbarker @wendybarker100 and @mummademedoitofficial