More is more, with Σtella, Michelle Gurevich, and Las Palabras

Music Life - A podcast by BBC World Service


Σtella, Michelle Gurevich, and Las Palabras discuss the difference between writing in your first or second language, insisting you use major chords in your work to sound happy, why the songs that live in your head are always so simple, and why more is actually more.Greek singer Σtella started out focusing on visual arts before getting into music, studying at Athens School of Fine Arts. Her sound combines indie, synthpop and folk music, drawing on Greek instruments such as the bouzouki and giving a modern twist. Michelle Gurevich is a Canadian singer known for her intimate ballads that combine humour with dark realism. She was brought up on her parents' collection of Soviet and ‘70s European records, and creates a decadent yet dramatic sound that sells out shows across Eastern Europe and beyond. Rafael Cohen - AKA Las Palabras - is a Guatemalan-American singer and bassist who plays bass for rock band !!! (Chk Chk Chk). His current project arose out of a desire to write songs in his native language of Spanish, despite not being very proficient, and creates charming songs that draw on the sounds of Brazilian popular music, American soul and the traditional sounds of Mexico.