310: Audiation - It's All In Your Head (Inside The Book)
Musicality Now - A podcast by Musical U

Did you know there's a musical skill which EVERYONE can already do... and yet only a tiny fraction of musicians are actually intentionally using daily - even though it's a MASSIVE booster for your musicality and all your music learning? In this "Inside The Book" episode we'll peek into the chapter on Audiation: the ability to vividly imagine and hear music in your mind. We'll explore what it is, how it works, and the many benefits it brings throughout your musical life. Subscribe For Future Episodes! Apple Podcasts | Android | Stitcher | RSS | YouTube Full Show Notes and Transcript: http://musicalitynow.com/310 Links and Resources: • The Superlearning Practice Plan • The Musicality Book • Musicality Now: "Inside The Book" Episodes Enjoying the show? Please consider rating and reviewing it! Click here to rate and review