300th Episode Spectacular (pt 1) - Best Albums of the Decade ft Gang of Youths, Margaret Glaspy and Dan Kelly

My Favorite Album with Jeremy Dylan - A podcast by Jeremy Dylan


Seven years and 300 episodes of the podcast in, we are marking the occasion with an epic three part celebration of my favorite albums of the past decade.
Music journalist Caitlin Welsh joins me to criticise my taste and banter about the first three records on my list, and I'm joined by the artists behind those records - Dan Kelly on the rollercoaster of Dan Kelly's Dream, Margaret Glaspy on her undeniable Emotions and Math and Gang of Youth's frontman Dave Le'aupepe on their life-affirming masterwork Go Farther in Lightness.
Plus we check the voicemail to hear from friends of the show Jim Lauderdale, Holiday Sidewinder, Kristina Murray, Chris Hewitt and Jeff Greenstein on what their favorite albums of the past ten years have been, and debut our special new theme song by the genius Matt Farley.
Check back soon for part 2 of our 300th Episode Spectacular!