MHAP 192- Chapter 343

My Hero Academia Podcast - A podcast by MyHeroPod


Welcome to episode 192 of the My Hero Academia Podcast. This week Kendra (@sniperofmyheart) is joined by regular guest James (@that1welderguy) host of @Dr_Stone_Pod, @jamminweeb, @Sein_Pod and co-host of @devilbatpod, and returning guests, Marion (@microwaevy) from @goodfriendscast, and Derek @Greatbigsword from @goodfriendscast and @Devilbatpod Before we get into the news we talk to Marion about their thoughts on the traitor reveal (1:07), then the news (3:32),discuss the official release of manga chapter 343 "Let You Down" (5:20), and take listener thoughts (40:01).   If you are  medically able to get the covid 19 vaccine in your area and are not already vaccinated please consider getting it. Bystander training Patreon