
My Take on Music Recording with Doug Fearn - A podcast by Doug Fearn


Compression and limiting are tools we use to modify the dynamic range of the music we record. In this episode, I present a brief history of where this technique came from, how it evolved over the years since the 1930s. I discuss the various ways that compression circuits work, from the variable-mu vacuum tube, to the optical compressor, the FET, the VCA, the PWM, and the digital limiters. I explain how these different approaches affect the sound in different ways.There are often a lot of adjustments on a compressor, and I go through the most common controls you are likely to encounter and what they do to the sound.Compressor and limiter effects on the music are subjective, so I try to give general guidance for getting the sound you want from your hardware and software devices.Your ideas for future episodes are always welcomed. And your comments are useful to me. You can reach me at [email protected]: [email protected]/c/DWFearn