Ep 158- Are YOU the Toxic One?

My Virgo Friend - A podcast by Cherelle Aguigui

·      Happy Birthday Libras! Shout out to the Libra Moons ·      Moment of Silence for the innocent lives lost in the Palestine-Israel conflict ·      The Solar Eclipse and the Eclipse Hangover…how ya feeling? ·      Libra New Moon energy themes ·      Binge previous episodes of the My Virgo Friend podcast to catch up ·      New beginnings usually come from endings and closed chapters ·      Enough is enough! I’m ready for a different book! ·      When the thoughts & inspiration comes in, write it down! ·      Being in Nature, heals. Spend some time there. ·      How have you restored balance in the areas of your Life? ·      Get your Energy in motion…what movement would make you feel good? ·      Communicate your needs and consider fairness in all things ·      Are you the distraction? Are you the toxic friend? Check your energy. ·      Self- Sabotage is powerful, dangerous and time consuming. Beware. ·      This World is in a Spiritual Warfare at all times ·      The World is trying to keep your vibe low. Do the work to vibe higher! ·      America’s Youth Generations (aka “Our Future”) are getting stupider and stupider, y’all ·      Affirm: I have decided to Heal. I have decided to receive Love. I have decided. ·      Decide the Life you want then make decisions that reflect that Vision ·      Girl stand up! Stop forcing the narrative that Women should propose to Men! ·      Why can’t YOU be the special occasion?! Rise above what you think you deserve. ·      We’re creeping into the dark waters of Scorpio SZN y’all ·      What are you looking forward to?  What’s motivating/ discouraging you? ·      If you have the opportunity to speak your Truth and reconcile, take it. ·      God doesn’t give you the same exact moment twice. Make the most of the moments. ·      We don’t always know when the Last time will be. Be present for the Present. ·      Look forward to the Light, where there is opportunity. ·      Are these even your emotions or their projections? ·      Having the tough conversation to agree to disagree ·      Remember the pain point to remember Your Why ·      Get clear on what you Like, what you Love, what you want more of ·      Get a grip on what’s going on in your Mind and your Emotions ·      Look at yourself in the Mirror. Who do you see? If you can’t, why not? ·      Who are you around when you’re feeling THAT way? ·      PSA: Stop walking everywhere by yourself distracted on your phone! Pay attention! ·      Take that pause, take that moment, and then take that step ·      It don’t take all that time to think and make the decision. Close the gap. ·      Don’t self-sabotage by taking too long in between decisions & deliverable ·      You can always decide to do different…just DECIDE. ·      Final cup of CheChe & Announcements ·      Karmic Justice…what goes around, comes around ·      Happy Birthday Libras! Shoutout to the Libra Moons ·      Add me on IG- @CheCheBabe @MyVirgoFriendPodcast @MyCoachCheChe o   Feature me as a guest on your podcast! Let’s collaborate! o   If you want to submit your questions to me for advice or feedback, you’re welcome to email me at [email protected]  or [email protected]