Ep 159- Demons & D'Evils as the World Burns!

My Virgo Friend - A podcast by Cherelle Aguigui

·      Current energy: Taurus Full Moon AND a Lunar Eclipse on the Taurus/Scorpio axis ·      Welcome & Happy Birthday Scorpios! Shout out to the Taurus Moons! ·      Earth Moon sign energy themes ·      Scorpio vibes and how to spot them ·      Sensuality & Sexuality themes of Scorpio SZN ·      Facing your Shadow Self ·      The Five Senses in Taurus Energy ·      How was your life different two years ago? ·      Storytime: Listen to your body…it stores your trauma. ·      Stop saying “Yes” to shit you don’t want to do! ·      Why do you still feel like you owe them? ·      Don’t back to the same pain you had to Pray your way out of ·      My answer is my answer…respect it. ·      Your body will remind you of the trauma…tap in. ·      Have you outgrown your comfort zone? ·      Shout out to Sofia with a F podcast & the episode with Waka Flocka ·      A Thin Line Between Love and Hate! ·      Consumed by the Love and Blinded by the Light ·      Where have I become too comfortable? Hint: Where is the little to no growth? ·      How long do you plan on “just going with the flow”? Where is it taking you? ·      When you literally feel the weight lift off your shoulders by expressing your Truth ·      How does your body intuit and speak to you? Pay attention. ·      When listening to that small voice saves your Life ·      Moment of Silence for the many innocent Lives lost during the Palestine/ Israel War in Gaza ·      Energy work is necessary to KEEP HUMANITY ALIVE! ·      We must all do the energy work to defeat the evils of the World with LOVE ·      Sometimes people just want to be invited. Extend the invite. Accept the invite. ·      The U.S. Military Veterans need more Mental Health & Emotional Support resources! ·      Share your art and resources to help support your local Military bases ·      Create your Art & Share your Art to help heal the World, y’all! ·      There is a serious Lack of Quality Love being expressed Worldwide ·      When I’m Dancing/ Creating Art, I’m operating from my Spirit ·      Your body will respond when it feels Good and when it does feel Good ·      Are you Laughing cuz it’s funny or because you’re nervous/ uncomfortable? ·      What are you seeing for yourself? Be mindful of the projections from others ·      Beauty/ Aging Tip: Stop frowning and furrowing your Brows so damn much! ·      Rant: Stop trying to runover pedestrians with your impatient ass! Slow down! ·      Slow TF down and look where you’re going before you hurt you or someone else! ·      Detach, unplug and take your Rest. Naps are essential. Take a nap ·      Obsessive, Stalky, Down a Rabbit Hole energy of Scorpio ·      Donate, clean up, clear out and prepare the space to receive New ·      Review your relationship with Money and Affirm a healing relationship with Money ·      Making peace with the struggle of your childhood and formative years ·      Impromptu prayer and affirmations cuz my left eye started jumping. ·      Final Cup of Che Che & Announcements ·      Add me on IG- @CheCheBabe @MyVirgoFriendPodcast @MyCoachCheChe o   Feature me as a guest on your podcast! Let’s collaborate! o   If you want to submit your questions to me for advice or feedback, you’re welcome to email me at [email protected]  or [email protected]