Ep 93- Ya Mama & the Cancer New Moon

My Virgo Friend - A podcast by Cherelle Aguigui

Cancer SZN= water energy, “The Crab”, Happy Birthday Cancer Babies! Cancer energy= The Mother, heart chakra, Love, intuition, WATER, flow, release, cleansing, nurturing, boundaries out of Love, soaking up the sun, creativity, BEAUTIFUL, abundance of resources, wealthy, fertility, creation, family, healthy relationship with Mom, watering planted seeds of intentions, crying to release/ heal & feeling better Shadow Cancer energy= Smother Mothers & Mama’s Boys, codependency, lack of boundaries, “going in your shell” to shut the world out, inner child wounds highlighted, Mommie Dearest, Mother’s knows best/ all, control through emotional manipulation, disrespect towards women, overwhelming sadness, feeling like you’re drowning & can’t catch your breath, “head above water”, lack of resources/ money, no longer pregnant… Gemini SZN recap & the midyear check-in Cancer energy & the watery SZN Nurturing yourself to healing & self- sabotaging your success out of fear Smother Mother energy & focusing on your heart health Slow & steady wins the race when it comes to your health #CONSISTENCY 50’s Housewife energy, your beautification & how you show up for yourself Stop running errands looking ROUGH! Be “divine meeting” ready! Mama’s Boys & Smother Mothers; do you have enforced boundaries? Remembering that our parents are growing up just like us; learn them too. Pay attention to your family’s health; warning signs for the family history? Mothers, check yourself & take care of yourself. We need you HEALTHY & here. The Cancerian urge to get real EMO & Moody; don’t shut us out please! Be where the people are and soak up the Sun! Be seen & enjoy the SZN! Overturning of Roe vs Wade rant Love & Respect to all the Mothers of the World! Y’all are literally portals of LIFE! Love & compassion to any pregnant girls/ women that are struggling with having to remain pregnant since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade Challenge: Everyday do 1 thing to make a woman smile. We need the Love. Let’s all be more present in protecting and advocating for Women. The Feminine desire to receive help, support and Love from Men that want to protect & support you. Allow him to help you. Check on your Mom/ Grieve your Mom; meditate on that Maternal energy for you. Water the seeds now that you’ve planted throughout 2022 What do you want to grow by the end of 2022? You’ve got 6 months, Buddy! Every Summer don’t have to be a Hot Girl/ City Boy Summer. What love dynamic do you want in your sexual relationships? ENJOY SUMMER. Your body, the weather, the people, the opportunities…heal. Heal your inner child wounds sustained from your Mom/ Maternal figure The Fountain of Youth & fear of getting old/ drying up/ beauty fades…tears. Give yourself permission to….YOU are who you were waiting on. Cancer szn themes is GET WET baby! Orgasms, crying, swimming…WATER. “Be water, my friend.”- Bruce Lee Songs: Lana Del Ray "Summertime Sadness", “Wetter” – Twista & “Wet The Bed” Chris Brown & Ludacris Closing Remarks @CheCheBabe @MyVirgoFriendPodcast @MyCoachCheChe Feature me as a guest on your podcast! Let’s collaborate! If you want to submit your questions to me for advice or feedback, you’re welcome to email me at [email protected] or [email protected]