Ep 428 - Georgette Bennett and Jerry White

My Wakeup Call with Dr. Mark Goulston - A podcast by Great Love Media


 In this episode I speak with Georgette Bennett and Jerry White, co-authors of, "Religicide: Confronting the Roots of Anti-Religious Violence." Georgette founded the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding to combat religious prejudice, Multifaith Alliance for Syrian Refugees and co-founded Global Covenant Partners. Jerry leads the United Religions Initiative (uri.org) – the world’s largest grassroots interfaith network promoting peace and shared the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Their through lines have been two lifetimes of bringing peace to the world. https://www.amazon.com/Religicide-Confronting-Roots-Anti-Religious-Violence/dp/1637581017/