50: Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure!
Mystery Shack Lookback - A podcast by Charley Marlowe; Ella Cesari; Shelby Sessler
Shelby, Ella and Charley are joined by Tony Goldmark of the Escape from Vault Disney podcast to explore the Gravity Falls "Select Your Own Choose-venture" book, "Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure!" We dive into the branching paths of the time-travel adventure, including its major canon secret. We're also visited by renowned crab scientist Agatha Vile and video essayist Strange Aeons! Hear more of Tony and Agatha on the Escape from Vault Disney podcast: https://www.pipedreampodcasts.com/escape-from-vault-disney Hear the Curators guest on Escape from Vault Disney's "Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers" (2022) episode: https://www.pipedreampodcasts.com/escape-from-vault-disney Follow Tony: https://twitter.com/tonygoldmark Follow Agatha: https://twitter.com/VileAgatha Axolotl voiced by Strange Aeons: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrq3JYirgV-BLluzTF6X_7A Support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/MysteryShack Check out our merch store: https://crowdmade.com/collections/mysteryshacklookback Buy "Dipper and Mabel and the Curse of the Time Pirates' Treasure!": https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31276377916 Read the secret "A Wrong Turn" page: https://64.media.tumblr.com/e5344f42ede5f0e5b887fed6fd7fe660/tumblr_inline_oaqv1qoMvu1t6cpso_640.jpg How to pronounce Axolotl: https://twitter.com/NthChapter/status/1083163550862983168 Grunkle Mike’s story of solving the Polybius cipher: https://www.eiaonline.com/intercepts/2016/08/19/how-i-became-an-internet-hero-to-fans-of-a-defunct-disney-channel-cartoon/ Read about the Same Coin Theory (Journal 3 spoilers within): https://dubsdeedubs.tumblr.com/post/148072136190/a-time-pirates-theory-spoilers-now-same-coin Same Coin video: https://anistarrose.tumblr.com/post/182144585096/rewatching-gravity-falls-and-knowing-about-same Download the theme song: https://ellacesari.bandcamp.com/track/my-hearts-in-gravity-falls-20-ft-pryin-brian "Hall of Conspiracies" theme by https://simandthedimbulbv2-0.tumblr.com/post/664143564235800576/back-when-i-was-working-on-guide-to-neil Intro theme song...