Session 182: Opposing Sauron Plan B

Mythgard's Exploring The Lord of the Rings - A podcast by Mythgard Institute


04/13/2021 Episode 182: Council of Elrond Session 58 Mythmoot 2021 will be a hybrid convention this year with both in person and digital options. Dates are June 24-27! Registration for both virtual and in-person tickets are officially open on In which we discuss the “Orc Problem.” Boromir and Elrond face off concerning the bravery of men and elves. Boromir then takes a poke at Aragorn’s role in the coming strife, and whatever mysterious errands the Rangers of Ithilien are doing. Aragorn makes a point that there are more than one front to this war. Field Trip: Wells of Langflood “Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.” ~J.R.R. TolkienSupport Mythgard's Exploring The Lord of the Rings