Session 189: Frodo's Choice

Mythgard's Exploring The Lord of the Rings - A podcast by Mythgard Institute


06/01/2021, ELOTR Episode 189: Council of Elrond Session 65 Our schedule for Mythmoot 2021 is live. It will be a hybrid convention this year with both in person and digital options. If you have already registered for the online moothub, you will be given the opportunity to upgrade. Dates are June 24-27! Registration for both virtual and in-person tickets are officially open on In which by Frodo’s disinclination to adventure forth, he demonstrates that he is the best candidate for Ringbearer. Is the Ring influencing his or is the Divine? Elrond answers Frodo’s unspoken cry for assistance. The hour of the shirefolk is proclaimed. Homework: Tolkien often describes many glances as “keen.” To whom does he give this trait and under what circumstances? Field Trip: Wells of Langflood, Misthallow, Hilthsheld “Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.” ~J.R.R. TolkienSupport Mythgard's Exploring The Lord of the Rings