King Bran 3: The God-on-Earth

Mythical Astronomy of Ice and Fire - A podcast by David Lightbringer


Why should Bran Stark be King of Westeros? It's going to make more sense in the books, my friends, because Bran's greenseer magic will be much more important in the books - not only to defeat the others, but also use the knowledge of the weirwood to pull a "Bran-the-REbuilder" act for a Westeros in dire need. Above all, Bran should be king because he is the Prometheus of this story - the one who brings the fire of the gods to mankind, and specifically to **aid**mankind. The matching text is on the LmL website, as usual, and look for a follow-up livestream in the next 2 weeks! Subscribe to the YouTube channel to make sure you don't miss it.