56. Arraweelo (Somali Legend)
Mytholadies - A podcast by Mytholadies

In today's episode, we talk about the legendary Somali queen, Arraweelo. We discuss how her story has been used as an argument against female leadership, the feminist movement to reclaim her story, and the similarities between her and Aristophanes' Lysistrata. This episode has a trigger warning for a brief discussion of sexual assault, as well as mentions of castration throughout. For more information about today's episode, go to mytholadies.com. To donate, please go to ko-fi.com/mytholadies. Our cover art is by Helena Cailleaux. You can find her and more of her work on Instagram @helena.cailleaux.illustratrice. Our theme song was composed and performed by Icarus Tyree. To hear more of their music, check out icarust.bandcamp.com.