62. Draupadi (Sanskrit Epics)
Mytholadies - A podcast by Mytholadies

In today's episode, we talk about Draupadi from the Sanskrit epic the Mahābhārata. We discuss her role in the famous epic, her multiple husbands and their relationships, and her importance today. This episode has a TRIGGER WARNING for sexual assault. EDIT: In the original release of this episode, Zoe described the Bhagavad Gita as a literary poem. This is inaccurate, as the Bhagavad Gita is one of the most holy scriptures in Hinduism. We have since edited the episode to remove this inaccurate description of such an important text, and Zoe apologizes for their insufficient research and oversimplification on the subject. For more information about today's episode, go to mytholadies.com. To donate, please go to ko-fi.com/mytholadies. Our cover art is by Helena Cailleaux. You can find her and more of her work on Instagram @helena.cailleaux.illustratrice. Our theme song was composed and performed by Icarus Tyree. To hear more of their music, check out icarust.bandcamp.com.