355. Not Afraid to be Different - Ryan McCormick

National Fire Radio Podcast Platform - A podcast by Jeremy Donch


From the private sector to the public sector, Ryan McCormick knew that he wanted to serve. Growing up in a Pastor’s home, service was at the forefront of his upbringing. From early on, Ryan wandered over to the local firehouse to help with Christmas tree sales or wash the trucks. This introduction to the fire service led him down a path of wanting to serve as he grew older. Working as a private sector engineer, he knew riding a desk wasn’t for him. From there, a stint as a police officer and finally finding his way into the career fire service. Many years later Ryan finds himself as the Chief of Department of a small career department. He believes in empowering your people, working for the people and hasn’t lost sight of what the mission truly is. A great conversation about “them” along with his willingness to letting his people be little bit different…. It’s all done with the intent to shine. Don’t let Ryan McCormick’s soft, gentle demeanor let you believe he is a push over; he is not!! He is loyal to his people and the public and is unapologetic for his passion and love of the job. This passion has pushed him to create the First In Fire Conference, held this year from September 11-14, 0224 in Little Rock, Arkansas. A four day conference filled with big names and even bigger passion. When you’re striving for excellence, there is no rest and Ryan certainly not resting anytime soon.