151| Performance Validity Tests – A Conversation With Dr. Kyle Boone
Navigating Neuropsychology - A podcast by John Bellone & Ryan Van Patten - NavNeuro

Today we give you our conversation about performance validity tests with Dr. Kyle Boone. Kyle is a board certified clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in Torrance, California. This episode represents an extension of our prior discussion with Kyle about test security, so listen to that one if you can, although it’s not a prerequisite for this one. Show notes are available at www.NavNeuro.com/151 _________________ If you’d like to support the show, here are a few easy ways: 1) Get APA-approved CE credits for listening to select episodes: www.NavNeuro.com/INS 2) Tell your friends and colleagues about it 3) Subscribe (free) and leave an Apple Podcasts rating/review: www.NavNeuro.com/itunes 4) Check out our book Becoming a Neuropsychologist, and leave it an Amazon rating Thanks for listening, and join us next time as we continue to navigate the brain and behavior! [Note: This podcast and all linked content is intended for general educational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of psychology or any other professional healthcare advice and services. No professional relationship is formed between hosts and listeners. All content is to be used at listeners’ own risk. Users should always seek appropriate medical and psychological care from their licensed healthcare provider.]