#NCELive Season 2 - No 5 - Nikki Gatenby - Super Engaged Teams & Putting People First

NCELive - A podcast by NCELive


Nick & Rachel are joined by Nikki Gatenby, Founder of GatenbysConsulting. We explore how to put people first and use this to create super engaged and high performing teams.Nikki is an entrepreneur, best selling author and non-executive director. Her background is in building company culture and engagement to deliver world class results. She took her last agency from Brighton to worldwide, from marketing services to SaaS technology products (coveragebook and answerthepublic) whilst being one of the top 15 Best Places to Work in the UK for 8 years running.Nikki has recently during COVID19, founded a pioneering start up, Menopoised.co.uk. Focused on women's health, to enable women the world over, to have a positive menopause, naturally.Links to an extract of Nikki's book : https://static1.squarespace.com/static/590052031e5b6c2665ac6bdb/t/5adf3f286d2a730adc0a89ad/1524580146416/SuperengagedPreamble23April2018.pdfNikki can be found on LinkedIn and Twitter @NikkiGattenby