The Adult Guide To Dealing With Rejection
Ned's Declassified Podcast Survival Guide - A podcast by PodCo

This week on the pod we are tackling the topic of rejection: romantic rejection, career rejection, familial rejection, you’ve got rejection? We’re talking about it. Lindsey opens up about her relationship with her father and how that has affected her romantic life. Devon reveals how a summer camp experience potentially scarred him, and Daniel shares how loving his mother gave him a false sense of reality with women. The trio also throw it back in true Ned’s Declassified fashion by sharing advice to viewers who wrote in on our youtube community notes tab. Is Devon in his yacht boy era? How does our trio feel about rejection in Hollywood?? And what is the scariest kind of rejection??? Follow @NedsDeclassifiedPod on Instagram & Facebook, and @NedsPod on TikTok. Want access to weekly bonus videos, exclusive behind-the-scenes content and more? Join our Patreon now at See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at