S1E15: Katie Clodfelter| Two sets of Spontaneous Twins

Neighborhood Twin Mom - A podcast by Amber, Neighborhood Twin Mom


Katie Clodfelter is a mom to two sets of spontaneous twins, fraternal boys and fraternal girls.  She shares what it was like finding out she was pregnant with twins (twice) and advice, regrets and what she would do differently if she were to have a third set of twins! You can find Katie on Instagram @Katiemariebakeryqueen Tik Tok @KatieClodfelter Get 20% off your $100 purchase at HANNA ANDERSSON Use referral link and save on my favorite PJs for the family https://www.hannaandersson.com/?extole_share_channel=SHARE_LINK&extole_shareable_code=neighborhoodtwinmom&extole_zone_name=friend_landing_experience To be a guest on the show head to NeighborhoodTwinMom.Com and fill out the "Be our Guest" form Follow Amber on Instagram @NeighborhoodTwinMom Inquires for Neighborhood Twin Mom, email Contact@neighborhoodtwinmom.com