S1E22: Tamara Tinnell| Uncomplicated Twin Pregnancy, Uneventful Twin Vaginal Birth with No NICU Time
Neighborhood Twin Mom - A podcast by Amber, Neighborhood Twin Mom

Tamara Tinnell is a mom to 5 including fraternal boy twins. She tells of her surprise when she found out she was pregnant with di/di twins. Tamara had a smooth twin pregnancy and delivered both (big) boys vaginally even though twin B was breech. She also gives her best tip for breast feeding her twins. Shop HANNA ANDERSSON Get 20% off your $100 purchase Use referral link and save on my favorite PJs for the family https://www.hannaandersson.com/?extole_share_channel=SHARE_LINK&extole_shareable_code=neighborhoodtwinmom&extole_zone_name=friend_landing_experience Fill out a 5 question SURVEY about Neighborhood Twin Mom HERE Join the Neighborhood and sign up for notification e-mails when new episodes drop To be a guest on the show head to NeighborhoodTwinMom.Com and fill out the "Be our Guest" form Follow Amber on Instagram @NeighborhoodTwinMom Inquires for Neighborhood Twin Mom, email [email protected]